Thursday, October 18, 2007
lets go bilingual...
A new era starts for ad2date! Since I'm leaving New York City soon (I don't want to say "for good" yet) and going back to Greece, I decided that is a good reason to start writing some posts in Greek. So starting from today-maybe tomorrow-the next post will be in Greek, focusing a little bit more on Greek adverting and marketing industry too. I am one of those people who believe Greek advertising is trapped in the past, but with boundless potentials for impovement - and seems that new creative and innovating things are about to happen...stay tuned...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Life Takes Visa
Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day, Los Angeles, USA
Creative Directors: Patrick O'neill, Joe Shands
Art Director: John Dwight
Copywriter: Steve Zumwinkel
Photographers: Staudinger+Franke, Zachary Scott
Retouching: Magic Group, Saddington+Baynes, Gloss, Primary Color
Invest in the Wind
They couldn't find a better guy for the wind role...LOOOL
Monday, October 15, 2007
Political television advertising to reach $3 billion
Dear American're gonna be bombarded and brainwashed like never before...good luck with that!!!
here is a sneak peek.
Fight for Kisses
From now on fathers and sons can fight on equal terms!!!
JWT Paris uses the simple concept "skin as soft as a baby's" and evolves it into a cool video and a website with a lot of goodies to keep you "busy".
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Blog Action Day
Today, October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.
Blog Action Day is about MASS participation. That means we need you! Here are 3 ways to participate:
Post on your blog relating to the environment on Blog Action Day
Donate your day’s earnings to an environmental charity
Promote Blog Action Day around the web
Ad2date is proud to be one of the fifteen thousand registered blogs supporting the Blog Action Day. Friends register your blog and support the Blog Action Day. At my very first post at this blog I was writing for a party that will start a revolution and this is one of our chances to unite under the most important issue -the environment- and bring the revolution into reality!
Things to DO...
Today is a day for actions...stand up, leave your comfortable couch and you favorite brain-burning TV show! It's hard for me too, I know...but if we dont want to be remembered as the generation that knew about Global Warming and didn't take any actions to save the plannet we should WAKE UP!!!
These are 10 things we can all do (starting from today) to reduce the Global Warming:
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (one recycled bottle equals the energy consumed to watch a 3hrs movie on your tv)
2. Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning
3. Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL)
4. Drive Less and Drive Smart
5. Buy Energy-Efficient Products
6. Use Less Hot Water
7. Use the "Off" Switch (its there for a reason-Mac users)
8. Plant a Tree (even at your balcony)
9. Get a Report Card from Your Utility Company
10. Encourage Others to Conserve
For a full Global Warming Survival Guide visit the following link
Greeks do it better
Ogilvy One Athens after the huge buzz with the Vodafone account and the trapped girl, they hit again with Piraeus Bank and Afoi Paradakis. "Lefta sto Lepto" (Money in a minute)is the new internet and phone banking service of the Piraeus Bank that did a step forward with creative internet advertising. The videos are hilarious - if you can understand Greek- watch all of them at and choose your favorite...
SfendEx2000 (my favorite)
OlmoWallet K1 or
ManaMoney X200
Kudos to Ogilvy One! Bravo to Piraeus Bank for making the step ahead and trusting internet!!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
in the air tonight...
The first time I saw this ad I remember myself with the question "what is the point of this?"
Anyways, every time I watch this "gorilla ad" I like it more and more with no particular reason... maybe because the music selection is so good and familiar, maybe because of the creative explanation of CK who talk me into the ad, maybe just the image of a gorilla playing the drums and be so fucking good!
Whatever it is...this ad has a way to somehow captivate you and create a buzz...what else do you want?
recipe to turn you on...
1 oz of Modernista, Boston.
3/4 oz of Kate Walsh (from Greys Anatomy) to pump some erotic excitement.
1 oz of 2008 redesigned CTS.
1 GM's decision for turning the Cadillac brand around from white-belted retirees cars to the mark of wealth.
Poor all ingredients into a shaker,
Shake well and strain into a Martini glass...
*it doesn't match as well with Leo Burnett or show ups in "Matrix Reloaded"
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The beauty of the Lion
On the whining side...some of the participants argue that the committee shouldn't have moved the spot from the fundraising and appeals category to corporate image category - according to the Festival rules spots that targets fundraising or philanthropy can not participate for the Grand Film Lion...
The true is that the best spot won the Film Lion and that Internet has a starring role in the communication mix of every product...all the rest is history!
Welcome the new King!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
As I said in my latest post, I have abandoned my blog for the last couple of months for all the reasons I mentioned...but now I'm back and this time I won't try to update this blog with the latest advertising or marketing news...I'll go one step further and I'll present you a campaign that is not released more words...straight from Ogilvy One oven...fresh and smoking hot campaign for Vodafone...
tips: the mission is to save the girl...don't hesitate to give her your Vodafone cellphone number ;)
59 days later...
almost everything...first of all I'm writing this post from New York City where I moved almost 2 months ago!!! Boston Era is over for many good many good friends...just to make myself clear I'm not even close to start whynning, I love NY - like the cheesy t-shirt says, that every tourist wears when visits NY - but something is missing - maybe it's my mood today...although i'm sure it will come on the way!!!
Anyway, lets walk at the bright side again...after lots and lots of job-hunting I found a job in ANT1 the largest Greek TV network, and the best part is that I really enjoy it!!!
But you know what they say...when one searching stops another starts...and mine was an apartment searching-it took me almost 2 months-and I would be homeless sleeping at the park (which is not so bad) if i didn't have a couple of good friends to help me out, stand by me when i was grumpier than even before...and I owe them a BIIIIG THANK YOU!!!! (u know)
Now that I see back it was quite an experience with a lot of lessons, miles of walking around NYC(still I can't perfectly orientate) and a couple of really good stories for my grandchildren looooooool
But these days are over too...and I'm back...from NYC...with new apartment (no furniture yet), and in the search for the new search...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Buzzer Beater...
Take your chances, low the expectations to everyone else but yourself, stay focused, be patient, and when the time is right ask for the last shoot!!! Because after all, scoring the wining point at the very last seconds of the game is the most wonderful feeling and the biggest repay for your efforts and your sad days!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Next Generation War just started...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Adidas loves competition!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Snack Attack!
Wired defines it as a high speed pop culture where everything from movies, TV shows, songs, trends, fashion and styles come and go without stopping!
Video on demand substituted cinema...ipod, the Walkman...and diaries.
Fasten your seat belts...this is only the start of a new era of communications technology where future comes to you fast and entertainment comes packaged and in bite sizes!
Read the latest issue of Wired magazine and the epic history of Snack Culture.
Welcome to the future...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Miller gone Digitas...
Online networks!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Coke Vs Pepsi over the most powerfull rhetorical weapon!
In one of the new commercials, Pepsi's logo takes the form of a huge beach ball that with the help of people start a bouncing journey around the world! It starts from a Brazilian beach, then to Central Park, at a point it is ready to fall in the ocean and the game to over but a whale punches it back and the game continues with the slogan "more happy."
Saturday, February 10, 2007
"Let us march against Philip"
When Greek statesman Aeschines spoke to his people urging them to unite and defend independence against Philip II of Macedon, they said "How well he speaks." But it was Demosthenes' speech that made people say..."Let us march against Philip."
Thursday, February 8, 2007
I'm world famous for my stubborn character (some people will laugh reading this...) but I have to admit that I miss Greece, family and friends! Better days are coming...after all the journey counts more than the destination...
Monday, February 5, 2007
War of the Worlds between Microsoft and Apple!
The anticipated launch of iphone from Apple and its entry in the cellular market have made all the cellphone companies to feel a little bit uncomfortable...! The latest rumors from suggests that Microsoft in working on its own phone! According to these rumors Microsoft is targeting Apple by developing Zune Phone which will be able to sync with the Xbox 360 and stream video from the system to the phone via a wireless data connection.
Microsoft has to worry not only about the development of Zune Phone on a specific timescale, but also to come up with a smart and creative release strategy, since Apple iphone is right at the corner...(June 2007)
And the winner of the Super Bowl is...
The biggest disappointment were consumer generated ads! Doritos "crash" commercial was nothing close to the hype creative youtube commercial that everyone expected and Chevy's "car wash" where a bunch of people jumping around the car wasn't entertaining or smart in any way! The only consumer generated ad that stand along was NFL's commercial about the end of football season which was smart and emotional.
On the other hand, Coca Cola (Wieden+Kennedy) came with very creative, colorful, happy and highly-produced commercials as it was expected, Bud Light ads catch every one's eyes and make us laugh with the "rock, paper, scissors", and "silly slapping", commercials (DDB Chicago). In addition, I really enjoyed the career builder commercials (Cramer-Krasselt) especially the "promotion pit"...but I think it's because I'm relate to the
Last but not least, my favorite Super Bowl XLI commercials were...the hilarious Blockbuster "mouse-click" (Doner)and Bud's Light "classroom" ad (LatinWorks)!
How can you vote for the best Super Bowl commercial??? Visit and vote for your favorite one! Up to now we have the following results:
Blockbuster: Mouse (Doner) --> 46%
Bud Light: Gorillas (Mortar) --> 33%
Bud Light: Hitchhiker (DDB Chicago) --> 33%
Budweiser: Dalmatian (DDB Chicago) -->32%
Friday, February 2, 2007
Super Bowl weekend!
As a new member of blog community I have to admit that I'm overwhelmed with the blogging concept. The model of an interactive user-generated website where the authors have the freedom to write their ideas, comments and thoughts on any subject, from news and politics to food, art and the existence of aliens seems captivating. Hundreds of people from different cultures and social groups meet everyday on my laptop screen with one goal to present their ideas.
This is a pretty romantic angle to see blogging...but when presentation becomes promotion?
Yesterday I was introduced to AdSense and Google Analytics, two very useful tools where you can count your website visitors, check the numbers of clicks and register for online ads!
Two days ago I was writing my first post about advertising that attracts our emotions and not our eyes and hours later I caught myself adding bad taste flashing ads to my blog!
This morning I woke up, typed and BAM! a flashing ad about The Soul mate Calculator...
Woooow wait...something is wrong here!
What's up Philip? Where is the party that will start the revolution? Is it over so soon?
No friends!
The party is here!
After all, every party has one bad song...and "the soul mate calculator" was the bad song of this party!
p.s: the flashing ads were removed and a google search engine for adweek, adage and youtube was added this morning! enjoy...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Promo gone bad!
A marketing campaign for Cartoon Network's "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" turned into a daylong terrorism scare for the city of Boston and a public relations crisis for Turner Broadcasting System Inc.
Today's chaos started early morning when police received several report for similar devices described as an object with wires and tubes. The "suspicious devices" were placed all around the city, bridges, overpasses, in subway stations and other public places. The bomb squad was called in to detonated and remove the "suspicious devices" which proved to be a bunch of blinking boards that were mistaken for bombs!!!
The patterns of lighted dots were shaping Err, cartoon character showing the finger, and they were part of the show's promotion campaign!
What is the end of the story?
The artist who planted these marketing figures got arrested...the city of Boston was under chaos for hours, with bomb squad running across the city...and Err is the most famous cartoon character in US especially after the air time he got to every major network!
PR nightmare or marketing daydream for Turner Broadcasting System Inc ? Please comment...
Thriller in the ad world...
Creative Freedom on
If you thought you would never be able to control the ads you see think again. Read the article below about Conde Net's new teen website.Flip, Conde Nast's answer to MySpace for teen girls that goes live Feb. 6, will offer its users the ability to choose what advertising they see and in what form. According to MediaWeek, CondeNet has signed on five premiere sponsors, including PacSun, Nordstrom, Clean & Clear and Vera Wang. Sources said packages between $300,000 and $500,000 were offered - indicating the site will pull in some $2 million before launch.The primary ad units on Flip will be nonbranded digital images that members can use however they'd like to populate "Flip books" - which act as photo albums/diaries/digital scrapbooks that a user creates within her profile.For example, Nordstrom will provide images of models wearing apparel that girls can paste in their Flip books; they are revealed to be Nordstrom clothing only when users click on them.There are traditional banner ads in some parts of Flip, including on individual profile pages. But even on those pages the users decide, during the setup phase, which brand's ads will appear.
Shrek on a diet...
The party that started a revolution!
There are millions of websites, blogs, brands and stores where you can find every information, service and product you may need. But what is the reason you choose specific websites, stores and products?
Is it the website design, the creative direction of a commercial, the happenings taking place in a store or the colorful billboards?
I don't know if you feel the same way but every time I search the Internet I feel as if I am in the middle of a boundless Times Square with no way to escape! Pop-ups, videos, flashing images, and jumping weirdos... everyone tries to catch our eyes but very few target our heart.
OK, I see your ad flying around my screen when I'm trying to check my email...and the only emotion towards your product is anger! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the role of advertising is to connect a product with more positive emotions like surprise, curiosity, acceptance, joy, happiness and love!?
This blog intents to inform its readers about the latest global news of advertising and marketing industry. In addition, ad2date welcomes all of you to post your opinions, constructive critisism, and creative ideas on advertising. Let's make advertising more creative, more romantic, more artistic, more emotional...
Spread the word...let's get this party started...